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Business 2024年05月05日 08:17 5 editor

thematiccocoacasinonodepositbonus: Live broadcast: Buffett's 2024 shareholders 'meeting hits heavily

When asked about the impact of autonomous driving on the insurance business at today's shareholders meeting, Buffett said that autonomous driving may reduce the number of car accidents or reduce costs, but it is still difficult now. Of course, some people are already using autonomous driving, and future numbers and data will also show what will happen.

Berkshire Vice Chairman Ajit Jain added that Tesla's technology today sounds like it will change the probability of car accidents, but when this number and other criteria for occurrence are taken into account, the overall average does not necessarily fall. In addition, Tesla is already going to enter the insurance market, but it is still impossible to see whether it will succeed today, because if car insurance is to be completely transformed, the cost is still very high.


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