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thehouseofthedeadscarletdawn|石墨电极概念股开盘大涨 百川股份涨停

Food 2024年05月06日 10:01 5 editor

Topic: A double dip in A-shares may have ended, and it is expected to "get off to a good start" after the holiday

May 6 newsthehouseofthedeadscarletdawn, Baichuan Shares and Shangtai Technology have daily limitthehouseofthedeadscarletdawn, Zhongke Electric and Dongfang Carbon rose by more than 10%, while Xiangfenghua, Fangda Carbon, Baotailong, Suotong Development, Hesheng Silicon Industry, etc. followed suit.

thehouseofthedeadscarletdawn|石墨电极概念股开盘大涨 百川股份涨停

On the news front, according to media reports quoted by the World Wide Web, the United States has relaxed tax credits for electric vehicles that use Chinese graphite for batteries, which means that Korean electric vehicle manufacturers that use Chinese graphite to make batteries can also get up to the U.S. market. A tax credit of $7500.

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